that I'll kill your god,
if I have to.
Maybe even if I don't.

crystal,     brynhildr

eastern standard time

             ✓ walk ups.                ✓ tells.                ✗ roleplay.

" We are the stories we tell ourselves.
The brave hero, the tortured soul, the altruist, the pragmatist.
They will tell you who they see, but you and you alone know who you are.

written by jace

©  carrd template by paletterph.


     name       celeste    aliases      cece, adventurer, warrior of light.    age      24.    nameday      sixth Sun of the first Umbral Moon.    gender      nonbinary. he/him.

" Do not seek forgiveness,
for it will not ease the burden.
It weighs as it should

     orientation       bi.    species      viera - lupin.    birth place      here.    residence      here.    profession      scion.    patron deity      menphina.    relationship status      ??? (taken)

•    intelligence    ★★★★★★★★☆☆

•    wisdom    ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆

•    charisma    ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

•    dexterity    ★★★★★★★★☆☆

•    strength    ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆

•    constitution    ★★★★★★★★★★

the soul.

     the personality       independent to fault, critically empathetic, and an iron will act as cardinals of celeste's code. although he would show naught of pause sampling luxury or gil from parties unfavored, he's known to be quite the chivalrous wayfarer to those in need.

he persists through each moon, if only to keep going for those he owes kindness to. under pressure he'll not often come up short; perpetually preparing a path forward through the worst of outcomes. don't mistake his conviction for optimism, though.

as a scion, celeste grapples with being a person of the people. he struggles with the weight put on his shoulders, and often worries that he'll come up short. he's never been the best at inspiring hope in himself, but others have seemed to see him in a different light. he tries to maintain that face for the sake of everyone, even if he doesn't always see it reflected back at him in the mirror.
although he tends to be a tease towards those he's confident can take it, he's careful still of those he fears may take it to heart. he tries to build those around him up rather than play their insecurities or mishaps a joke, especially when he thinks they may undervalue themselves. this is especially apparent with the twins, and although he has no doubts of their strength and fortitude, celeste is never without the fear that his words will be weighed too heavily.after all he's been through, when he's down to nothing and instincts are bare, there are no guarantees of his morals. even more than his empathy, are his driving loyalty and duty to protect. if all else fails, if he has tried it all and come back with nothing, he knows the lengths he will go to protect those who give him reason to go on. of course he'd rather save the world, but if all he can choose are those he could hold? his decision is already made.

& key items.

important items commonly found in their inventory.

     item name     
find item pngs on eorzea database. you can describe here how they wear it, how often they have it or use it, how they use it, what they do with it, how they obtained it .. whatever you'd like! give us a little flavor text on why they carry this item with them. also a good idea to include their weapon of choice as one of these.
curabitur convallis risus orci, eget ullamcorper urna efficitur eu. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. nulla laoreet lorem et tellus dapibus, eu ullamcorper quam suscipit.

     item name     
find item pngs on eorzea database. you can describe here how they wear it, how often they have it or use it, how they use it, what they do with it, how they obtained it .. whatever you'd like! give us a little flavor text on why they carry this item with them.
curabitur convallis risus orci, eget ullamcorper urna efficitur eu. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. nulla laoreet lorem et tellus dapibus, eu ullamcorper quam suscipit.

     jet black dye     
A rare and expensive black dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.
celeste nearly always has some on hand. used to dye everything and anything he can. he's always one to travel in the hottest fashion - black.

pros: everything always matches. cons: overheating debuff 24/7.

     item name     
find item pngs on eorzea database. you can describe here how they wear it, how often they have it or use it, how they use it, what they do with it, how they obtained it .. whatever you'd like! give us a little flavor text on why they carry this item with them.
curabitur convallis risus orci, eget ullamcorper urna efficitur eu. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. nulla laoreet lorem et tellus dapibus, eu ullamcorper quam suscipit.

the history.

learning new skills for a few gil as a lifestyle, never deterred. although he's become a novel of hat tricks; alchemy, goldsmithing, and magics remain his specialties.celeste was born to a winning pair - his mother, a traveling viera of the veena, and his father a lupin. he doesn't remember much of his mother, and knows even less of his father. he was only a few seasons old when his mother abandoned him in the black shroud, where he was later found by a moon keeper matriarch. he hadn't even a name at the time, but they took him in anyway. he was nearly passable as a strange miqo'te kit.she raised him with her other kits, although there did come a time that it was plain he was not of the same build. although he shared many instincts with them, his tail was larger than any miqo'te's, and his ears were unlike any other as well. he did develop their mannerisms, and learn to favor Menphina as they did, but he was often teased for his unknown origins.he was given the name 'celeste', because although his matriarch had cared for him, she knew he wouldn't belong to her family. he'd always been fascinated with the night sky, the stars and the moon, up from dusk to dawn.

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. sed ornare libero eu nulla vehicula, vel semper metus tristique. curabitur nisl nunc, dapibus id nisi vel, dictum aliquet urna. curabitur venenatis mollis sagittis. donec gravida ultrices magna, quis imperdiet neque porta sit amet. vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; suspendisse potenti. nullam euismod sem vel auctor sagittis. donec at venenatis enim. curabitur dui risus, gravida at venenatis venenatis, commodo vel turpis. quisque rutrum malesuada velit nec lacinia. donec aliquet, libero eget dignissim ultrices, odio urna viverra ante, a lacinia magna mi sed lorem. duis dui ligula, aliquam at vulputate vitae, ornare ut ex.sed luctus dui interdum pellentesque vestibulum. aenean finibus lectus ut fermentum suscipit. vestibulum lobortis est in tempus consequat. quisque non sem viverra, tempor est sed, placerat odio. praesent non magna ac orci rutrum maximus eu ac nisi. mauris ultricies vestibulum tellus, auctor tempor dui feugiat quis. mauris sagittis justo eu dui elementum, non rutrum arcu efficitur. orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. aliquam eleifend quam vitae ligula accumsan, quis sagittis nibh posuere. donec at elit non diam sagittis feugiat. nullam suscipit nisl turpis, non aliquet ante sagittis in.


    mbti      intp.    dnd      neutral good.    likes      spicey food, sweets, friends, nature, feeling useful    dislikes      bad weather, bugs, half-truths    fears      heights, betrayal, abandonment    hobbies      acquiring new skills, exploring treasure dungeons,    skills      magics, alchemy, goldsmithing, fishing

" Until the Heavens fall.....
                        until our last breath


    black shroud      what he considers to be his birthplace, even though in all likelihood he was birthed somewhere else, and then brought here. he's got a softspot for the area, less so for the gridanians close by, but cares for the forest nonetheless. he's incredibly protective over the keepers of the moon that reside here, even though they have rather low regard for him these days.    limsa lominsa      his first stomping grounds, you can often find him here crafting for hire, or just hanging around. it's where he picked up most of his skills from after leaving the black shroud, and learned how to make a name for himself. for him, it's a hub of business, hustle, and most importantly - fishing!    empyreum, ishgard      home of his free company, empyreum is naturally high on his radar. it's where he comes to unwind, be at ease, and shield himself from the rest of the world.

    greetings and goodbyes    

celeste understands the nature of his line of work. he understands that tomorrow is never guaranteed, and that when he parts with his friends, it may be permanent. he understands that while he has duties and obligations to the scions, estinien also must bear his own.he understands that each time parting, may be the last time he sees him. estinien does the same, although many consider celeste infallible. the day estinien found him on the field battered and unconscious while fighting zenos lingers in his mind. it reminds him of their mutual mortality.born of these thoughts, are their parting rituals. they aren't ones for pda, so they'll often sneak away to say their goodbyes. tender and solemn, they promise to not be too reckless, and to do their best to return to each other.celeste in particular holds superstition in his heart that if they aren't able to say a proper goodbye upon parting, his worst fears could come true.greetings are much the other side of the scale. full of relief, joy, and affection. they always take a moment to themselves to let go of the worries that had wormed into their hearts, and to celebrate their return.

    the scions    

celeste was quick to grow attached to the scions. intentionally or not, they fed his desire to belong, something he'd longed for all of his life. growing up without a real family, without somewhere to truly fit in, people to truly mentor him, it left him wanting.through heavensward, although he's only particularly close with a select few of them, he recognizes all of the scions as his chosen family. he's still rather guarded when it comes to showing his emotions plainly to them at this point.he begins to open up to more of them after leaving the First with everyone, letting his guard down little by little. through he's still closest with those who came with him, he's slowly learning that his emotions don't make him vulnerable.

    meta title    

any miscellaneous headcanons/meta you have for your character that doesn't fit into the dossier.lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. sed ornare libero eu nulla vehicula, vel semper metus tristique. curabitur nisl nunc, dapibus id nisi vel, dictum aliquet urna. curabitur venenatis mollis sagittis. donec gravida ultrices magna, quis imperdiet neque porta sit amet. vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; suspendisse potenti. nullam euismod sem vel auctor sagittis. donec at venenatis enim. curabitur dui risus, gravida at venenatis venenatis, commodo vel turpis.

    meta title    

any miscellaneous headcanons/meta you have for your character that doesn't fit into the dossier.lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. sed ornare libero eu nulla vehicula, vel semper metus tristique. curabitur nisl nunc, dapibus id nisi vel, dictum aliquet urna. curabitur venenatis mollis sagittis. donec gravida ultrices magna, quis imperdiet neque porta sit amet. vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; suspendisse potenti. nullam euismod sem vel auctor sagittis. donec at venenatis enim. curabitur dui risus, gravida at venenatis venenatis, commodo vel turpis.

    meta title    

any miscellaneous headcanons/meta you have for your character that doesn't fit into the dossier.lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. sed ornare libero eu nulla vehicula, vel semper metus tristique. curabitur nisl nunc, dapibus id nisi vel, dictum aliquet urna. curabitur venenatis mollis sagittis. donec gravida ultrices magna, quis imperdiet neque porta sit amet. vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; suspendisse potenti. nullam euismod sem vel auctor sagittis. donec at venenatis enim. curabitur dui risus, gravida at venenatis venenatis, commodo vel turpis.

    meta title    

any miscellaneous headcanons/meta you have for your character that doesn't fit into the dossier.lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. sed ornare libero eu nulla vehicula, vel semper metus tristique. curabitur nisl nunc, dapibus id nisi vel, dictum aliquet urna. curabitur venenatis mollis sagittis. donec gravida ultrices magna, quis imperdiet neque porta sit amet. vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; suspendisse potenti. nullam euismod sem vel auctor sagittis. donec at venenatis enim. curabitur dui risus, gravida at venenatis venenatis, commodo vel turpis.


    a realm reborn        *

at the time, celeste was found in limsa lominsa. studying the way of arcane, he was repeatedly met with the scion, y'shtola. as he gained notoriety, he turned to her for guidance and wisdom.

riding the high of felling ifrit and titan, the massacre that was the waking sands served to be his equally as extreme wake up call. he processes grief ever the same; bury it in training - he'd taken to researching magics of healing &protection. maybe, just maybe, he would be able to save them next time. he later befriends the fae, marking his transition to scholar.

making the decision to pursue garuda was an easy one for him, it was where he was most effective. exploring into the lands of coerthas, he found the cold didn't bother him as much as the callous in-fighting of the lands' people. in aiding to clear his name, celeste gained an ally who shone as the sun, haurchefaunt. it was a rarity, the admiration that quickly grew in celeste's chest as he thought of him.

operation archon, to ensure the demise of ultima's weapon, was quickly underfoot as intel regarding the black wolf's plans reached the ears of the scions. celeste wouldn't waver, there wasn't a moment of hesitation regardless of the tremendous responsibility resting on his shoulders. all of the scions had grown dear to him, and he vowed to protect them.

brought to his limit, after clearing every checkpoint until the last, his last foe was revealed to be lahabrea of the ascians, with thancred's face. hydaelyn willing, celeste finds the strength to banish lahabrea from thancred's body, ending the encounter in victory.

the escapades that ensue leave celeste perpetually uneasy; the scions' newfound limelight did naught but give him pause. it wasn't the attention that bothered him, but rather the expectations. celeste had never been one to hold his tongue, and didn't shy from criticizing higher powers either. while this had been a strength when joining the scions initially, it was soon a hindrance to the political peacekeeping that came with their newfound fame.

confronting the keeper of the lake was a moment that will stick with celeste perhaps forever. the airs of religion and heresy thick, celeste's met with midgardsormer's apparition laid plain a new perspective of events. although he never had many feelings of true faith, this moment was the first of many that would leave him in wonder of eorzea and the powers that be.

[ put celeste's arr glam (sch) here ]

trance quickly broken, conflicts soon arise on all fronts. the first bittersweet victory was against nabriales. the loss of moenbryda was something he processed from a distance - although he did not know her well, he grieved with the scions. he felt their pain, their grief, but even more so, on an intrinsic level, he mourned that the world had lost an archon so earnest of heart.

the feast in ul'dah was akin to something you could have pulled directly from celeste's own nightmares. he doesn't remember much of the night himself, mainly piecing together what happened through the accounts' of others. his nerves had been wearing him down, truthfully, since the encounter with midgardsormer - everything after was only a blur. it was full of chaos, and fear, and loss that he refused to believe was true.

it was an out of body experience. he was thrilled to have reuinited with alphinaud and tataru, of course, however the remaining scions whereabouts plagued his mind. the bounty on his head growing by the moment as news spread across eorzea; the hurt in his heart bloomed like a bruise as individuals and organizations alike turned from comrades to adversaries.

their retreat from the grand companies lead them to haurchefaunt of house fortemps. he provided them sanctuary, and it was as if his unwavering faith returned the air to celeste's lungs. his trust in them didn't alter the circumstances, it didn't bring their fellow scions back; those were quests they would need to embark on themselves. it did however, give them a brief moment of respite, long enough to right themselves from their doubts, and contemplate the path ahead.

    heavensward        *


prior events landing celeste in sir hauchefaunt's debt, he intended to make good on his dues however he may. he attempted to aide the other sons of fortemps, however the task at hand proved more difficult than he originally imagined. there was fear in his heart, now, that if he was to stray far from the remaining scions, that they too, would disappear. he was always anxious to finish up and head back to check on them, but really it was just to ensure that they were still there, safe and sound. it didn't help matters that he wasn't particularly charismatic, and meeting new people tended to be a struggle of his. emmanellian wasn't too hard to parse; it was easy to see what he wanted, and the rose knights were kind to him as well. dancing with danger had started to feel natural for him, in the face of the vanu vanu he didn't hesitate to put an end to the great whale of the limitless blue, bismarck, when the time came. he acted on instinct, following through on what had taken on as his duty.

artoirel differed from his brother, as he regarded celeste in much the same fashion as most of ishgard; he was an outsider. he wasn't of the holy see, he wasn't a faithful individual, and he certainly wasn't trusted. he was held at arms length by most ishgardians, which felt almost as if he was back in the black shroud. it was a blessing and curse; they hadn't cared or placed any weight in his name as warrior of light, but they also hadn't shown him hostility despite his heavy bounty. he was, however, clueless as to how he could bridge the gap between them. while the trio of scions regained their bearings, he spent most of his time observing those around; learning as much as possible about ishgard's struggles, faith, and peoples.

his second run-in with ysayle was the start of another perspective coming into focus. she wanted for naught but peace, which was in stark contrast to the visage ishgard had painted of her. he wasn't given long to ponder the plausibility of her words; upon return to ishgard, he was served frightful news. hearing that alphinaud and tataru had been arrested sent him into a spiral. context irrelevant, it took him back to that fateful night of the banquet in ul'dah. fear was quick to set in; it was pure adrenaline, pumping through his veins, turning everything around him to slow motion.

like before, it seemed that his strength was the only meaningful tool he had to save his friends. relying on his arcane talents, he used the spells at his disposal as a summoner to earn his fellow scions' innocence at aymeric's guidance. raubahn and nanamo are but two weights lifted from his back, and although he's relieved of their survival, many more ghosts yet haunt him.

the mission to seek out ysayle was what celeste would consider his first true meeting of estinien. the dragoon's malice and strength were enough to draw his attention, as he had no doubts estinien could be capable of great harm. their party may have been interesting from an outside perspective, but cece was counting the days until he was freed from the intense emotions present among them. ysayle and estinien's polarity left celeste somewhere in the middle; while he had his doubts concerning either sides' innocence, he recognized what truly would make a difference was who would be the first to lay down arms, past unchanging. alphinaud's nervous peacemaking only ever succeeded to lay the pressure on his shoulders more thickly.

the tribes of dravania brought their own struggles forward, ravana was a test of strength celeste swiftly felled, while the moogles trial, and subsequently hraesvelgrs, proved more difficult for him. raw power was simple for him, there wasn't any use for hesitation; he'd either live, or die.
hearing hraesvelgr's rendition of the dragonsong war was a vicious blow to all of their hopes. estinien was the only one undeterred, which didn't go unnoticed by celeste. although his methods were crude, celeste held respect for his ruthless determination. even if it wasn't the ideal outcome, it didn't seem as though they had the gift of options.

text here


    stormblood        *

any themes, scenarios, topics, kinks etc that you want to avoid writing here.
any themes, scenarios, topics, kinks etc that you want to avoid writing here.
any themes, scenarios, topics, kinks etc that you want to avoid writing here.
any themes, scenarios, topics, kinks etc that you want to avoid writing here.
any themes, scenarios, topics, kinks etc that you want to avoid writing here.

    shadowbringers        *

tell us a little bit about yourself here! such as your name or nickname, age, roleplaying experience, pronouns, how often you're online, or in-game activities outside of roleplay.tell us a little bit about yourself here! such as your name or nickname, age, roleplaying experience, pronouns, how often you're online, or in-game activities outside of roleplay.tell us a little bit about yourself here! such as your name or nickname, age, roleplaying experience, pronouns, how often you're online, or in-game activities outside of roleplay.



    endwalker        *

write out any basic guidelines you have for interacting with you and your character here.
write out any basic guidelines you have for interacting with you and your character here.
write out any basic guidelines you have for interacting with you and your character here.
write out any basic guidelines you have for interacting with you and your character here.
write out any basic guidelines you have for interacting with you and your character here.

    hook one here    

›    requirements:    none, or any prerequisites for this hook.

this is where you'll write your character's backstory. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. sed ornare libero eu nulla vehicula, vel semper metus tristique. curabitur nisl nunc, dapibus id nisi vel, dictum aliquet urna. curabitur venenatis mollis sagittis. donec gravida ultrices magna, quis imperdiet neque porta sit amet. vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; suspendisse potenti. nullam euismod sem vel auctor sagittis. donec at venenatis enim. curabitur dui risus, gravida at venenatis venenatis, commodo vel turpis. quisque rutrum malesuada velit nec lacinia. donec aliquet, libero eget dignissim ultrices, odio urna viverra ante, a lacinia magna mi sed lorem. duis dui ligula, aliquam at vulputate vitae, ornare ut ex.

    hook two here    

›    requirements:    none, or any prerequisites for this hook.

this is where you'll write your character's backstory. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. sed ornare libero eu nulla vehicula, vel semper metus tristique. curabitur nisl nunc, dapibus id nisi vel, dictum aliquet urna. curabitur venenatis mollis sagittis. donec gravida ultrices magna, quis imperdiet neque porta sit amet. vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; suspendisse potenti. nullam euismod sem vel auctor sagittis. donec at venenatis enim. curabitur dui risus, gravida at venenatis venenatis, commodo vel turpis. quisque rutrum malesuada velit nec lacinia. donec aliquet, libero eget dignissim ultrices, odio urna viverra ante, a lacinia magna mi sed lorem. duis dui ligula, aliquam at vulputate vitae, ornare ut ex.

    hook three here    

›    requirements:    none, or any prerequisites for this hook.

this is where you'll write your character's backstory. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. sed ornare libero eu nulla vehicula, vel semper metus tristique. curabitur nisl nunc, dapibus id nisi vel, dictum aliquet urna. curabitur venenatis mollis sagittis. donec gravida ultrices magna, quis imperdiet neque porta sit amet. vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; suspendisse potenti. nullam euismod sem vel auctor sagittis. donec at venenatis enim. curabitur dui risus, gravida at venenatis venenatis, commodo vel turpis. quisque rutrum malesuada velit nec lacinia. donec aliquet, libero eget dignissim ultrices, odio urna viverra ante, a lacinia magna mi sed lorem. duis dui ligula, aliquam at vulputate vitae, ornare ut ex.


write a little bit here on what this character means to yours, or how they met and their bond has grown. write a little bit here on what this character means to yours, or how they met and their bond has grown. write a little bit here on what this character means to yours, or how they met and their bond has grown.

relationship type       best friend.


write a little bit here on what this character means to yours, or how they met and their bond has grown. write a little bit here on what this character means to yours, or how they met and their bond has grown. write a little bit here on what this character means to yours, or how they met and their bond has grown.

relationship type       best friend.

    character name    

write a little bit here on what this character means to yours, or how they met and their bond has grown. write a little bit here on what this character means to yours, or how they met and their bond has grown. write a little bit here on what this character means to yours, or how they met and their bond has grown.

relationship type       companion.


oh, where to begin. they started as competitive begrudging companions, and became lovers always trying to one-up another. celeste holds him in the highest regard, and would probably turn the world to ash if anything were to happen to him.

relationship type       lover (pookie).

not looking to rp;
carrd is for lore-writing purposes only &
a reference for commissions.


24, he/him, nonbinary, carrd || ffxiv twitter

if you see me on ffxiv, you're welcome to /tell or frq me. love a friendly face or someone as obsessed w their/others' wol as i am.

i welcome any invs to running stuff, if i decline it's not personal [ maps, trials, dungeons, roulettes, field expeds, ect ]

fully caught up to 7.01